They expose their capabilities to the limit, with the capacity to create energy out of nothing just to discover what lies beyond the horizon, to walk paths that mystery itself left in oblivion, their adventures, the discipline of their lives and their experiences become the born talent to lead, inspiring future generations to overcome the limits of the barriers of the mental maps that bind humanity in comfort.
This and many more things are said about adventurers to use it as an advertising element to promote the production of adrenaline that by nature we all produce to solve dangerous situations and the skill of a positive result has to do a lot with the physical activity we practice, nowadays the ways to produce adrenaline has diversified because it is in our nature to climb higher, discover places and the sedentary life of the cities sharpens our resilience to satisfy the human business.
Of course, uneducated adrenaline changed the course of history on many occasions causing terrible situations that wiped out entire cities so much so that today we have the result of great adventurers who fought for the purposes of others including researchers, explorers, designers and many more that nowadays put all their creative capacity but being financed by unknown interests (maybe addiction to power) leads us to the social engineering of consumerism, comfort, pollution, social disorder and among others, that only leaves us as human beings that instead of overcoming rationality is leaving us further behind irrationality. But as I heard somewhere the universe does not make mistakes.

Excited by the exploits of the adventurers of history, in my case by Pachaqutec is like Alexander the Great but in South America and basically with him begins the conquest of the entire territory of the Andes for the Inka civilization, you can imagine he was quite a leader. In a cave very close to Cusco in full ceremony I received the information that would change my way of seeing the adventurers who changed history, talking about the subject of war, they told me:
how do you say war in runasimi (language of the Inkas, commonly called Quechua)? Honestly I didn’t know, and they told me: don’t bother your self looking up the word, it doesn’t exist in our language, all that history written by the invaders (Spanish 1532 BC) is their fantasy to discredit our civilization, warriors we were but not as it is known today, but rather cosmic warriors, my brain flew.
Years later I found out about an anthropological study on runasimi (language of humanity) made by an anthropologist from the USA, in synthesis he said: Quechua is a very sweet language, inclusive and based on respect for others.
Since the ceremony when it flew my brain did not even think about the word warrior because my mind was distracted in the avengers (Marvel) and even superior to them, and just now I started to think about the word warrior, SINCHI in runasimi (quechua) and indeed is warrior but it is not to the degree of soldier (there is no such word) but rather much more superior, so much so that a select group of the armed forces of Peru is called sinchis.
The simple information of a cave changed my way of seeing my ancestors but in reality the capacity of humanity and you can see more about the Inka civilization in another post we have (cusco a jewel of humanity), with information outside the traditional history.
Join to adventurers
So an adventurer is not one who climbs, descends, jumps, flies or is running around exploring places, for the Inkas it would be those people who feel the testosterone to avoid stress and instead of using it to challenge their limits they do productive things like producing their own food and that is the life of the countryside, healthy life and totally recommended by health professionals, the day you meet a person who really lives in the countryside you will know the purity of a smile, a pure face of nature.
So that you understand, the countryside is harder than a gym where instead of being closed lifting iron, you are moving earth to produce your own food, you sweat, you detoxify your body and mind, as the saying goes: healthy body, healthy mind. A healthy mind is one of the first steps to achieve the purposes of quantum physics without the need for laboratories. Can you imagine all the mining that would be avoided if we all produced our own food, the world would be greener, there would be more Marvel episodes and we would definitely never have reached the diversity of entertainment options of thoughts, ideals, freedoms and others that I hope I never find out about.
Maybe you think but country life is hard and dirt, how dirty, that’s backward, ask someone who goes to the gym how it is to lift so much weight I’m sure they will tell you it’s terrible but after suffering how good it feels, dirt has highly beneficial ions for your health and most of all mental, but without going too far your microbiota needs to be restored those nasty bacteria will do the job your brain will thank you because your brain is what you eat, there is more information you can take advantage of but to sum it all up:
I don’t know since what year but with mercantile purposes and promoted by even more macabre capitals they manipulated the media to make you loyal as a consumer limiting your human capacity in which unconsciousness was perfectly accommodated.
But above all, country life generates more neurons of happiness than the most sophisticated activities of the modern world, so all you need to awaken your human capacity is to do what was written well claron in the DNA.

I will add one more fact to contribute to your superhero personality as Captain Marvel, when the skilled warriors were limited to physical strength, the cunning weaklings took advantage of the helpless brains of the warriors and created unnecessary battles, that’s when the earth saw the birth of religion, taking advantage of the mystery of death, the afterlife and as good servants of the patriarchal god to impose at will the business was imperative, others copied the business in other places and the imperialist equation began:
my god is the true one + no, mine is the true one = war (flee those who can), the world was covered in blood, not so long ago (middle ages) the devil dressed up as god and walked freely on earth, ruining the earth to the point of bringing us to our own extinction. Some say the god in disguise these days is money.
Perhaps around 5 thousand years ago is when the forced ignorance began in humanity where god and the devil began the esenification, replacing consciousness and unconsciousness where the battle of all sinchi begins, the eternal battle of good and evil, light and darkness in the vast universe of your mind. As our Cherokee brothers say: there is a white wolf and a black wolf, who will win? The one you feed will win.
Since I can remember I controlled the rain and for some reason when I realized it I told myself not to tell anyone, when I was 12 years old I told my secret and by magic everything was over, life took me to places I never thought I would go and more than anything else I realized that I am not a special case, I practiced oriental arts and it was surprising not only for me, the strongest and most transformative experience was with Ayahuasca and that took me to the ancestral university of the Inkas.
I spent years learning in ancestral places, so much that if I tell you more they would consider me as a crazy person, I retired before concluding the learning and my sentence was to say goodbye to this world, the superior energies designated it except for one but I as a warrior (minion) I fought with all of them and I don’t want to know anything about them, although nowadays the madness is calming down. I was disappointed and with a depreciation, among all the masochistic hardship I went through different works of undertakings that did not work out.
Suddenly a vision came back to my mind that I had during my apprenticeship in which the sun was telling me what to do, and this blog is part of the message. During my ventures I had a clear idea: I wanted to contribute to the world, to reduce my burden by restarting after leaving this life behind, but I was sure that if my ideas did not work out I would contribute to social engineering to bring us closer to extinction (I was flirting with unconsciousness). Today depression mourns my departure and my ridiculous smile brightens the day of others.

If someone is going through difficult situations I would tell them to find the reason why they get up every day and if you are going through difficult situations or know someone tell them the best sword is forged by blows or better yet share this blog. If you are far away from your reason for being, it must be because it is world class or better yet universal. We are IntiTravel.Org therapeutic tourism to Re-learn about life with the Pro-humanity method based on history, science and simplicity. Life therapy is for a greater cause, to save life on this planet.