You must have gone through a lot to be reading this post and if so I promise you, it will be worth it, on the other han this is not about the romantic way to love. First of all, for loving yourself I must ask you, what is love?
You can take your time to answer in the best way and even poetically, but it shows more if the question left you speechless because it is easier to teach a glass half empty than a glass half full. After all, love left a mark in life and the definition that exists or will come to exist will be acceptable depending on the information you have about love based on studies or experience, but love does not cease to be part of life and an indispensable part of life with the capacity to reveal your divine capacity.

Happily for you Inti Travel Org, therapeutic tourism proposes to Re-learn about life with our Inka method that consists of history, science and simplicity, we will pass the limits of history to relive the life of ancient cultures from ancient Inka oracles (nowadays ruins), using science to demonstrate that reality surpasses fiction, with touches of simplicity in our services to make you remember how comfortable and purifying is the naturalness of the human root to demonstrate the coherence of life therapy.
Clarifying that the therapeutic service is not about solving humanity but rather about saving life on the planet through humanity and that with our Inka method we do not guarantee that you will change your life, the solution to your problems or concerning this subject find love, but rather to show you the solution the solution for your life and the life of the planet and the decision will be yours.
Loving yourself is about everything
Throughout history the earth has been covered in blood on many occasions, all to satisfy themselves or to satisfy others, and among these case love is an element that made more than one lose their head, although the reality exceeds the story, we can feel sorrow or grace for all the impulse that could cause the forces of love, but this is only by brain hormonal discharges, prefabricated by all the information that is optiene throughout life but the most influential are the closest people and among them is the family. In other words, everything that we define as life is thanks to the knowledge acquired throughout life.
Now think about what happened in those wars? As one of the many cases we can put the library of Alexandria, registered as the largest in the world was burned by the Romans, just as the USA did when they invaded Iraq and in this case there is evidence that they took part of the contents of the library, in this world knowledge is power and someone said that learning is your super power and I am sure that for the Vatican to have a private library their methods were not peaceful at all.
Imagine all that was hidden during the middle ages, all that was forbidden during the middle ages and why during the inquisition was the premise of history witch hunts and not man witch? Or, only man could become good magicians, Why did the church consider women as the body of sin? And if marriage is a holy sacrament, why is it forbidden for the rulers? There is no ancient culture that does not consider women as the most sacred thing, unlike cultures that profess a god.

In one experiment they put 5 monkeys in a cage and put a ladder in the middle to reach a bunch of bananas that were hanging down, the monkeys went to eat and immediately after the monkeys were bathed with cold water, after several repetitions of the cold water bath the monkeys realised that the problem was the bananas so they didn’t take any bananas and avoided the forced bath.
Now they replaced the 5 monkeys with other monkeys one by one and every time a new monkey came in he would run straight to the bananas but before he got to the bananas the main monkeys of the experiment would catch up with him and beat him up so he would understand that he should not eat bananas (maybe they even told him the consequence of eating bananas).
They even put 5 monkeys that never got water baths but as they kept being replaced one by one with other new monkeys the status quo continued, maybe when a new monkey would ask why do you hit me? The answer would be I don’t know, it has always been like that or maybe they receive detailed information about the situation.
With this experiment we try to explain how life or the way of living changed to be self destructive, when life is about creating although on the one hand humanity is fulfilling to the letter the order of the most famous god in the world (Judeo-Christian) when he tells Adam and Eve: lord it over this earth, reproduce and populate it. Perhaps that command was to create the apocalypse. But creating is not only about begetting, by creating a mass, a media or simply a real and inspiring conversation you promote neuroplasticity to develop its course of even modifying or modifying the apocalypse.

But creating is not only about engendering, by creating a table, a company or just a real and inspiring conversation you promote neuroplasticity to develop its course to modify or improve genes, but with social engineering that only favours the consumer industry, combined with the standards of living promoted by Hollywood, decadence is guaranteed, by the way in Hollywood alone 90% of marriages end in divorce, of which 80% of divorces are by women’s initiative, it increased more since the beginning of the feminist movement moved by a feeling of historical resentment to seek equality when biologically they are more and deserve more than a man is, I hope you are understanding where the direction of life was lost.
Loving yourself is the key
Back to the romantic theme of the post, there are loves so passionate that they inspire and are box office records in Hollywood but according to science that kind of love only lasts 6 months, that’s why movies don’t last longer and traditionally ended with the end or lived happily ever after.
For some reason roses are related to romance and if you like them you must accept a flower with thorns and only if you know where to grab the rose it will give you more than its company, if you don’t know the thorns will hurt you, and if summer is so beautiful it must be because there is a winter that makes us miss the warmth of the sun and if there was no winter maybe we wouldn’t even talk about how radiant the sun is.

For the Inka culture located in the Andes mountain range, the cosmovision is observable wherever you are and you don’t need science or bible to understand it, our history tells that the Inkas were very powerful and the father of the Inkas was the sun (Inti) and their mother the earth (Pachamama). any analytical eye could be very determinant in the madness of the Inkas to impress the people, but every particle that exists on this earth is the product of a supernova (the explosion of a star).
There is no ancestral culture on earth that does not say that its origin is in the stars and the earth is the mother because she gives us food thanks to the fertility she receives from the sun, in the solar system there are nine planets and the sun only shines enough to give life on a planet, although the earth turns over the sun keeps its light and heat because the sun knows that the earth will see him again. I don’t know if you get the romantic message of the Inka worldview.
In the face of the forms of wildlife that exist on earth, patriarchal and matriarchal systems have developed in relation to guaranteeing the survival of the offspring, food and above all the existence of the species. But the species that resembles humans are some birds and not because of the breeding of offspring but rather because they are monogamous, for example some monogamous birds when for external reasons someone dies, the surviving bird suffers so much that it only waits for death.
With so much information that has been adapted to all the philosophical orientations that exist in the world, both men and women no longer want to fulfil the biological roles with excuses such as the cost of life when raising a new life, the cost that it means for a woman, pollution or life is meaningless among others that I can’t even imagine, but I am sure that any excuse has a good foundation. I can only affirm, any reason to be uncomfortable with a major part of your biological being is due to hormonal disorders due to the diet and lifestyle you have adapted.
In a study on antidepressants it was shown that 90% of users are single adults without children and of those 90% 80% are women and as a very old person said loneliness does not kill but it brings you closer to it. Fulfilling biological roles generates more happiness hormones than liberal slogans (sex, alcohol and drugs), technologies, comfort, fashion, eating disorders or simply consumerism, the only difference is that you obtain it with patience, and patience is what the world needs in order not to get into wars.
It’s not that you haven’t found love, it’s just that you haven’t found love as social engineering has told you it is. Love today ends up as marriage and what follows can be interpreted as love or marriage, since the beginning of time it was always a contract, where both parties made a profit to guarantee existence with food and offspring, until not so long ago parents entered into that contract and generally all the requirements were covered by money.
Nowadays there is a competition between the material and the purest feeling that we call love, if you are one of those who put love before everything let me tell you that love is more material than you can imagine, just analyse it at the cellular level of your brain but for the materialists they are in the nothingness at the quantum level?

There is so much more to write about, the ideas are rampaging to get out but I can’t find the right order, so I will conclude with these words love is so beautiful and powerful that it moves the universe and if you put commitment before anything else you will surpass god. On the other hand the opposite way is to disguise love ending up like the society you already know.
Incomposed families, dysfunctional families and other types of families that I am sure exist in the framework of the opposite of living well, is proven with enough evidence that are the cause of the decline of society, this is simplified in education, the home is the first school and if a child has traumas that often is not noticed but in the adulthood, even if you have a good education is noticeable in the product of your actions.
Have you noticed? Inti Travel Org will not teach you to love or anything else to fall in love with another person, but rather we will teach you to re-learn about life, to listen to your inner voice that made you get here so that you can finally meet again with your being, to re-discover your history within you because all the truth that the world is looking for is not out there but rather within each one of us, without the need of a laboratory we will discover everything that is in your DNA.