Re-Learn to connect with yourself

It is humanity's natural and simple way of awakening consciousness or rediscovering the human power that only ancient stories speak of. Without ceremonies, rituals or meditation that is only for people who want a spiritual life, this method is to find spiritual life on a daily basis. Inka method is Pro-humanity, and the andes is the school, there is a lot to re-learn for life

Travelling to Cusco in search of a therapeutic experience is not only an opportunity to connect with yourself, you don’t need to be a mystic, spiritual person or one of those people who feel and talk about energies (energetics). In this article we will give you the opportunity to get to know the Inka method, exploring some known tips by applying some technical history, science and simplicity to get to know the Inka method of IntiTravel.Org to help you connect with yourself and re-learnwherever you are right now or on your therapeutic trip to Cusco.

Travel and colours

For Yourself

Take time to be in nature

One of the best ways to connect with yourself is to spend time in nature. But the human being is run by a rational brain and although science has already proven small brains in the heart, digestive system and other places in the body, but these exact sciences do not say that they are only branches or managers of the mastermind brain.

So for your time in nature to be worth as a therapy you have to know everything that happens behind what your senses capture, we already know that they provide oxygen, but maybe you didn’t know that nature provides other gases: phytoncides, mycobacterium vaccae, among others that generate a long list of cerebral, immunological and even anticancer benefits.

At this point I don’t think it is necessary to mention what nature meant to ancient cultures, but it is necessary to mention the impression you get when you see yourself in nature or see landscapes of film are only responses from the oldest brain of our evolution to find itself in its habitat.  Cusco is an impressive place to do this, as it has a lot of natural spaces such as mountains, valleys, forests and rivers, it will allow you to connect with the neuronal energy and enjoy the natural beauty of the region.

Practice meditation and yoga

These are practices that help you connect with your body and mind on a deep level. In Cusco, there are many opportunities to practice these disciplines, either in a retreat or in a class at world-famous centres. Awakening the chakras where you basically have the brain managers and the main chakra is the third eye or should we say the pineal gland. In a laboratory they proved that the simple fact of not breathing increases the energetic activity of the pineal gland, that is why doing exercises has not only physical benefits, now what you should know is that Cusco is over 3 thousand meters above sea level.

The traditional life is to live from the land and not from the work of other people (slavery), at the same time the work in the field is harder than being a gym mouse and for this brief explanation the people of the field are happier in any part of the world.

You will remember the first time you received your salary or something that you earned by your own merit, the brain rewards the body with the hormones of happiness and more when you live by yourself, when you produce your own food, clothes, roof and more things that historically man did on his own, but modernity had to come and reduce your testosterone, so much so that you cannot give your point of view in the face of policies that make humanity more dependent on comfort and less able to manage your own body, in the end the height of Cusco will give you a pleasant experience for your body to reward you.

Salkantay land

Experience Andean medicine and ayahuasca ceremony

Andean medicine and the ayahuasca ceremony are traditional practices that have been used for centuries to improve health and well-being. In Cusco, there are local healers who offer a wide variety of Andean medicine treatments, in addition, you can find places where ayahuasca ceremonies are offered in Cusco and experience this transformative practice.

Inti Travel org does not offer these services, although the founder after years of learning with ayahuasca brings this Pro-humanity proposal, but if you want to do it out of curiosity or because you saw what you are looking for in other people fantastic and we only recommend you to make a good diet for the ceremony. At the end of all these tips we will give our general opinion of these tips and that fits perfectly here.

Connect with the local culture

Cusco is the capital of the Inka culture and therefore is a place rich in history and culture, and getting to know the local culture can help you connect with yourself through a deeper understanding of the region, see that minimalism is a path to happiness through the sincere smile of the people who maintain the Inka culture although they don’t know it.

Visiting the local markets, tasting the local food and touring the ancient buildings of the Inka era will immerse you in the culture, being in front of Machupicchu history from the therapeutic angle of Inti Travel Org will be like bringing you the information that the middle ages tried to make mankind forget their super powers and not only that, our history holds the exact data for that path.

Peru essential

Disconnect from technology

In the digital age, we often find ourselves connected to our electronic devices all day for work or entertainment, but all you are getting is a quick and easy source of dopamine, and as is well known, the easy it comes higher  the cost, in this case it is a damage to the brain and its capabilities that converge in the life of a world of all.

In your therapeutic trip to Cusco or wherever you are, try to disconnect from technology and realise the current technology, all the technological advances that surprise the human eye are a product of the era of industrialisation where there was no education as such, and the one that existed did not cross the biblical limits that would come to be slavery in the same way as the current education. All the breakthroughs that are being brought to light are nothing more than mythological science or in simple words magic, as explained by quantum physics.

In ancient times if you wanted to communicate with someone you would just think of that person and do it or visit them through dreams, this is backed up by historical evidence and the millions of investments made by mainstream groups to explore the ancient sciences, by all this I just mean that science is the method of doing ancient science without earning the merit of magic, Since ancient times there were struggles between good and evil and in those mythological tales only some mortals acted, and the vast majority of mortals lived quietly without knowing what was happening in their world.

But most importantly they never left their mission or experience as human beings, which at the same time cleaned the genetic channels, from which from time to time came out the best leaders.

Technology has brought us so much to talk about, so much to distract us from our roots, so much to make us soar in the comfort of the fantasies of paradise and covet it so much as to recreate it in this earthly life, no matter the cost, as the saying goes: heart that does not see heart that does not feel. Now, think of the I don’t know how many dimensions there are, one or a thousand entities or energies are passing through you at this moment and maybe others are just beside you encouraging you to read more.

Why? Because despite the fact that everybody knows about the consequences of waste, they still throw more than before, and because despite the worldwide campaigns for reuse and all the drama of the 3Rs, industries never recycled anything or reduced their production.  Human beings have one chip (or app) and that is to survive, driven by the consciousness and unconsciousness (god and devil) of your brain, and only you have the power of will, focusing on yourself or your natural environment would be easier if we knew all that was erased during the darkness of the middle ages.

Try new activities

Experiencing new things can help you connect with yourself by discovering your strengths, weaknesses, and finding new passions and interests. On a cerebral level, new places, new activities is the perfect cocktail for happiness and it is certain that this is the reason why tourism is the fastest growing industry in the last few decades and even more so why worldwide organisations are promoting tourism, highlighting wellness tourism because tourism demand, requires infrastructure which means turning the wheels of pollution faster than a society without tourism would demand.

In Cusco and anywhere else in the world there are many different activities to try and do, from a therapeutic point of view we recommend you to do everything that is not on the trend list but rather those that you would never do or that takes you out of your comfort zone so you will activate the survival mode, where creativity is unlimited (it takes time). Finding something you are passionate about will only diversify your comfort and as you already know, it immerses you in consumerism, the main source of our planet’s pollution. Living life is about constant work.

In short, travelling to Cusco or anywhere else in search of a therapeutic experience can help you connect with yourself through the origin. If you have ever practiced these world famous tips, I have a question for you, how long did the therapy last? Aha, for the next one try increasing the Inti Travel org recommendations.

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Boost your connection

Many of these clasic tips are disciplines that you learn for a lifetime and had nothing to do with a retreat or a holiday, but the fact of fulfilling the whole learning process gave you the ability to be on a par with Jesus or other much more powerful characters but discredited for being in the shadows of mythology.

Those who do not know their history
are doomed to repeat it.

The events that humanity is going through are nothing new in history. How many times have the heads of the apocalyptic demons changed places and faces in history? Entertainments, manipulations and conspiracies were the price of human ignorance.

If the difference between comprehence ande understood could be know, it would be easier to realise that since the appearance of money, the brain put money instead of work as a goal, so much so that even money was used to buy heaven. Or since social engineering sectioned the capacities of human beings into professions, the need was created to perfect a skill by getting rid of others, and as our brain has a system based on: use it or lose it.

But what we lose also means the loss of sources of hormonal discharges for human development in life, and as a consequence the body needs to fill the hormonal gaps through technology, processed food, fashion or standards of living, someone once told me: I will not leave my heels or the safety of my city for someone else’s.

Weak men create hard times,
hard times create strong men
but men who think they are strong
create hard times.

If you say you don’t want to have descendants statistically those who consume more antidepressants are just that sector of the population or if you only think in the moment to please your brain and not in the process of patience that led us to achieve many satisfactions in life, then that is the reason why life in the world is being threatened, the value of patience was lost, the satisfaction of having achieved something with your own hands.

Picchu Machu Picchu Brings you the best therapy program, keep it in mind.

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A successful person who has everything that social engineering offers and has invested many years of his life for it. Is that person driven by conscience or by unconsciousness? Yes, they are the ones who need the most of everything that pollutes the world and makes their capacities as human beings useless and they are the ones who pay the most for sessions with the representatives of ancestral knowledge, they are the ones who finance the construction of sophisticated retreat centres with organic and natural elements that come from other countries in order to satisfy the demand of sophisticated clients that after all their use is eventual but their ecological impact is equal to that of a luxury one.

What this picture paints is the commercialisation of the mystical arts and even worse the content, just to clarify I have to say that these ancient practices work and you feel it but it is not just about feeling it for as long as it lasts, What hapen with the rest of your life?

Personally my first time with yoga was amazing because I felt like Peter Parker when he starts running around jumping over buildings when he discovers his powers and not to mention when I did tai chi. In the case of ayahuasca, they are exploiting the plant and nature to the point of extinction of it in some places, and that is exactly what makes these ancient knowledge does, it expand the image of the rood, in this case of commercialism to find solutions.

If we understood life better, we would see where we have lost our way, where we have been forced to stop living. This subject of patience or work to achieve something is a delicate one and does not apply to everything, for example in love. Everything can be sacrificed, seduction, falling in love and more arguments will not be to justify that you use cunning acceptance, or love must feel the magical connection, scientifically that ends in 6 months, romanticism is an invention of the seventeenth century to distract and disrupt society, but improved by Hollywood, to the point of being a cause of divorce and therefore problems in society, as indicated by various studies.

Discover wonders

The pleasure sought through love or sex is only a product of our biological body, but when it is altered by social standards the benefit is null and void and becomes just another piece of consumerism without leaving any trace of its divine capabilities, this is the reason why the Church made rivers of blood flow to change history, because knowing the knowledge of sex fully each one would realise the level of God that you have (Nirvana).

If you come to Cusco and you dare to do a therapy from a tourist level with us Inti Travel Org, you can forget the goal of a deeper level, emotional well-being and other things that are often idealised. By taking the time to be in nature, connect with the local culture, disconnect from technology and try our Inka therapeutic method visiting Machupicchu, where we assure you to connect your feet to the earth.

We will show you the solution to all your problems and those of the world, and as a rational being you will have all the time to question all the solutions. Everything you need is within you (AND) and you don’t need a laboratory to get answers.

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Therapeutic tourism to relearn about life and rediscover what history could not erase from your DNA.
The Inka method (History, Science and Simplicity) and nature will take you out of your comfort zone to awaken your essence.


H 10 Antisuyo av. Los Incas
Cusco, 08001



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