Tours Cusco: treasures for life.

Only Cusco

Cusco was founded under the name of Qosq’o in runasimi (runasimi is commonly called quechua) language of the Inkas which means NAVEL OF THE WORLD, and it is by this name that you will discover  why Cusco has treasures for humanity that can solve the critical situation of the world. Nature is everything.

By the way when you buy your flight tickets you will not have the name of Cusco or Qosq’o, but rather CUZ for the name of Cuzco which was given by the spanish invasion (1532 AD) and the meaning is hurtful for any Cusquenian, for this reason and for the treasures of Cusco we must go into the reasons why the Inka ancestors gave the title of navel of the world to the capital of the Inka civilization.

Cusco full view

According to the limited information left by the chroniclers that for a change these same chronicles comment that the spaniards burnt the Inka library in the capital and the smoke polluted the atmosphere, although the information varies between days and weeks, but it is enough to realise the amount of valuable information that would contribute not only in the solution of the difficult situation that the world is going through and with it everything that afflicts humanity individually.

The chronicles of more than 2 decades after the fall of the Inkas tell about the CEQUES, 41 energetic lines that came out of Cusco exactly from the Qoricancha (place of gold), many compare the Qoricancha with the Vatican as a religious analogy but in our language there is no religion, nor a god or worse still hell and all the information that exists is a product of the Christianization that passed through these lands with a death penalty for disobedience. So we better call it oracle, by the way, the city of Cusco has the shape of a puma from which 4 roads leave in the 4 cardinal directions.

The biggest energetic centre that could exist in this side of the continent since the territory of the Inkas is called Tahuantisuyo, it covered an extensive territory between Colombia and Argentina, that only according to the chronicles but oral sources from Brazil affirm that the Inka arrived until Rio de Janeiro.

Among the 41 lines that came out of the navel of the world there were 328 Huacas, places where the energy emanated and therefore there was a whole organization that was in charge of each Huaca to receive energy in its different forms, either as medicine, wisdom and even as a source to explore the vast universe. As I mentioned in other posts: you have it all, you just need to activate or just reset your brain.

Cusco Puma city e1707578889314

There are many stories that lose the value of their message by the categories of tales, myths and legends in the face of the unknown and everything that has no scientific backing, but even so we will share a small one that was written in chronicles but that is still told among the people of remote areas and although they do not know much about the Inkas, they do not know that much of their customs and knowledge of their environment is part of their cultural heritage.

Catachillay is a cosmic llama and sometimes on very dark nights it lowers its head and approaches the springs to drink water. Those who have been lucky enough to see Catachillay up close say that its wool is multicoloured like a rainbow and if you take a bit of wool from it, it brings you a lot of luck. For a change they say that when it rains it is because the Catachillay is urinating, maybe the last episode was added to the main story to liven up the story for liven up or maybe it contains a message still unknown.

Wisdom is the real treasures

Since the truth always comes to light and since it is proper to the human being to explain things according to his knowledge or using elements of his environment to explain things, but how to explain a multicoloured light? whatever that light is, it is not vertical but rather it must have a diagonal angle like a flame when it drinks water or eats.

cosmo vision inka

On the other side of the planet (in reference to Cusco) in China, I once heard from Tibetan monks that there are points on the earth where energy comes and goes, they mentioned that Cusco is one of those places and all these energetic events have to do with the Van Allen belt. This is a belt of high energy charged particles that covers the entire earth and is open at the poles, it is believed that most of the particles that form the belts come from the solar wind and others from rays from the cosmos, by trapping the solar wind, the magnetic field deflects these energetic particles and protects the atmosphere from destruction.

I honestly wish I had done more research on the direct relationship between the Van Allen belt and the earth that the Tibetan mojes know, but I am sure that later on I will come up with the right information and I will be more excited than I am now to share it, or if you as a reader have more relevant knowledge on the topic I want to connect it would be an honour to know.

Apart from the doubts about the Chinese knowledge about the Van Allen belt which was only discovered after the middle of the last century and just to mention that in the last few years a natural picture of the activity inside an aparticle resulted in a Jinjan which for millennia history told us differently.

History behind stories

In my mind several realities converge and they converge in the style of science fiction movies and it all has to do with the navel of the world:

Qosq’o, the capital of the Inka civilization and the reason why they gave it that name should not go unnoticed, for my part it only remains for me to confirm textually the advanced capacity of the Huacas (energy centres) and that it is very far from the compression of humanity encapsulated with the contemporary vanguard, but so that you understand me I can say that science fiction is closer to reality than it is believed and I confirm it because I participated, I saw and felt because I was an apprentice of the ancestral knowledge in the university of the Inkas.

Coricancha collage

and I could say that this light was the radiation of cosmic gases of special occasions that enter the earth as well as leave that even in these last decades the people of the countryside commented about a rainbow of the night and the most interesting thing is that they know the name in runasimi, it is about energies that the ancestors were able to use.

IntiTravel.Org therapeutic tourism & wellness, is about Re-learning about life to solve from the smallest personal details for a greater cause, to save life on this planet, to save your world through the universe that you carry inside you, your brain. Our method is based on 3 elements: simplicity, history and science to support the therapy of life, which we call the Inka method proposing solutions from the root, realistic and coherent to the campaigns that the world makes and proposes to maintain business accommodating in the varieties of liberalism, as proposed by the sophisticated marketing works.

Machupicchu view from Huaynapicchu scaled

The purpose can be considered drastic and they are, therefore we cannot guarantee the success of the therapy but we can show you solutions and it will depend on you to accept them or not, and if you accept we can guarantee to solve your life and that of your descendants. So dare to a different journey and rediscover the knowledge tha history could not erase from your ADN, all in your journey to Machupicchu.

Follow us for more information to solve life, but come with us to solve your life.

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Therapeutic tourism to relearn about life and rediscover what history could not erase from your DNA.
The Inka method (History, Science and Simplicity) and nature will take you out of your comfort zone to awaken your essence.


H 10 Antisuyo av. Los Incas
Cusco, 08001



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