What, how and why therapeutic tourism?

Cusco view point

Therapeutic tourism is travel with a focus on improving the physical and mental well-being of travellers through various therapeutic practices. These practices can include everything from spa treatments and massages, to yoga, meditation and other relaxation and healing techniques. If you go on a therapeutic trip with IntiTravel.Org, you can forget about all the types of practices as detailed above. That’s right, we have a method that we call the Pro-humanity method, proposing Re-education facing the critical situation that humanity is going through. Those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it.

Lares expedition

In the face of a society that lost the north of life encouraged by the freedom they were given during the previous century, today we can see the result. Many stories from all over the world speak clearly about societies that developed disproportionately, in the sense that they lost their humanity, allowing themselves to be carried away by what is commonly called ego, wanting to imitate or surpass god, but medieval events and even long before that took care of erasing that we are dioceses and only by flowing in consciousness, life is fantastic.

Returning to the subject, the crystal generation is about to put an end to the anthrocene, turning us into the most insignificant geological era of the earth and perhaps of the universe, topped off with another part of society that faithfully clings to the knowledge of science and does not accept anything that is proven and on the other hand there are (there are many more cases) people who are living in the clouds of spirituality thinking that singing, dancing and doing ceremonies will lead them to enlightenment (this is a topic for another post).

You will get fantastic memories

In short, everything described above converges in the exaggerated but above all ridiculous consumerism, since the industry of consumerism is producing comfort that is only turning us into more dependent beings and the worst thing is that we are losing the natural capacities that make us human, better to recognise the divinity that humanity is losing instead of waiting for it after death, but we are so distracted and even helpless, thanks to social engineering that got its hands into the food industry and it is more than proven that the brain is what we eat, our whole life before it happens is processed by the brain.

On the other hand world class organisations are telling us what we need to do to, as countermeasures, for example the 3Rs; reduce the use of water, reuse plastic and recycle, since these measures were approved there has not been a single year in which pollution has decreased, because these global organisations serve the interests of large companies that never reused, but rather export water from other countries for their beverage industries (Argentina and Germany), creating crises in those countries but the environmental damage is worse, but ironically the environment belongs to everyone, so the sponsors of tremendous natural damage think so much about their future that they forget their own future to live.

There are people who are not interested in the future and say I am not going to have children, the decision is respected but I am sure that these people do not know that breaking the biological course has a regrettable price, statistically they are the ones who consume 90% of antidepressants. Another fact, and maybe you know it, is that the society that pays first hand for the broken dishes are those who maintain the business of consumerism, any kind of excuse that exists is acceptable, but think! How was slavery? And how is it time?

They changed the chains for a tie
or actually for something more invisible,
maybe freedom or whatever up to this point
changed the game, they put us between
a rock and a hard place.

The story now is renewable energies, the western world is very happy for the advances that exist and support, I don’t know if they realize it or not, but from solar panels to electric cars everything starts in mining, not only is it an ecological footprint but the social damage and loss of life is disappointing in the face of the development that human civilization boasts, I am from Peru and recently there were deaths for trying to enforce their rights, the well paid media says nothing and even worse, what is happening in the world at this time related to the consequences for maintaining comfort.

Once we have a sense of what humanity is facing, we can talk about solutions, therapies, and IntiTravel.Org, which in the future will shine like in the old days when good triumphed. I know I sound fanciful and perhaps not very sane, but everything I have experienced leads me to tell you that there is no ancient culture that does not refer to its origins in the universe, and if you only think about spaceships or someone bringing life it is acceptable.

But if you start thinking about supernovas (I summarize it as small big bangs), at an empty level of particles but at the same time full of energy, then we would agree that we have the same origin and the only thing that differentiates us is the adaptation to the environment.

In these Inka lands the ancient stories say:

There is a planet far away from our solar system (I don’t remember how many times bigger than the sun) and it has no solar system, it is a planet in darkness and its inhabitants are immortal beings of steel, this planet has a name but I won’t give it to keep the mystery of ancestral knowledge, in the story includes the relationship between these beings and the Inkas, they say that when the earth was in danger the Inkas called these beings to restore order.

I am sure that the author of Transformers was influenced by ancient stories. But what is not sure is if the Inkas called the (I will call them Transformers) Transformers only for world issues, and the story implies that they had done it before, and if so, how many times they were already called? But the unfortunate thing is, I don’t know if there are still people with Inka capacity to call the Transformers.

disco solar

According to the Michica (Aztec) stories, they say that this planet already went through 5 extinctions or maybe it sounds better if we say that there were already 5 beginnings.

The stories (called myths and legends by academics) would have more value if they were told with interpretation, because as in ancient times they knew so much, I am sure they were experts in story telling and they must have told stories so that they are easy to remember but at the same time hide messages so they can pass generation after generation so they won’t be interfered, persecuted or something more terrible like the middle ages or the inquisition itself, maybe this way we would understand better the actors of Ragnarok, not only as the end of the world but rather as a new beginning.

For the Inkas it was simple to explain the universe, they said: everything that is above (universe) is here on earth and to explain it the milky way conspired with them, because they gave form to the nebulae creating simply didactic material to tell the daily life in the Andean mountain range.

Nowadays wide images of the universe show similarities with the wide neuronal universe that we carry in our brains, it could be a coincidence or simply that human creativity has no limits in order to survive, or as a Swedish physicist once told me on the Salkantay trek: it is interesting how they (natives) hang on science to make themselves look good in history. I am sure she was not aware of quantum physics (I am worse) and all the mysteries of ancestral magic that are exactly the same as the purposes of quantum physics.

Nowadays there are people who have contact with higher energies (Apu, mountain energy) and as priests they make offerings with agricultural products to ask for almost anything from mother earth, their effectiveness is such that there are whole sections in the markets to buy the materials, there are also the shiripiaris (tobacco masters) who with just the smoke of tobacco can cure you, they are the ones who preside over the Ayahuasca ceremonies and if you really need it I recommend it.

cosmo vision inka

What does all this have to do with therapeutic tourism?

Exactly! The Inka method has nothing to do with oriental practices or Inka ceremonies because we want to focus first and foremost on the population that has no inclination for the spiritual (outside of the religious), the intellectuals, the successful, and most of all those people who do not have to work for several generations, in other words the sharks, because they are the ones who consume the most, have the most voids and their change can influence other people the most because the purpose of IntiTravel.Org is not to solve your life.

But rather to show you the solution and in the end the decision is up to the client and it all depends on whether the voids in their life or difficulties in life made them hit rock bottom or whether there is still more to suffer in life.

As the name of our method says, this is not only for the clients, and secondly, although in reality the main objective: Pro-humanity, to save life on planet earth, to recover our home and for this we only need to recover our humanity, it is not a call to take action and influence the world, it is simply to put it into practice in your life and your actions will be more than worth it, it is a call to take action and influence the world, it is simply to put it into practice in your life and your actions will be more than worth it.

If holidays are an escape from everyday life, who in their right mind would want to listen to so much reality?

Only if you have benefited directly or indirectly from physical, mental or environmental pollution and have listened to your inner voice, that you are uncomfortable with everything and although you have tried to silence your inner voice with all the pleasures that this world has to offer, sex, alcohol and drugs (although nowadays there are more variants) but something inside you is unhappy and not understanding about life you enter the adrenaline race that also ends in the emptiness of consumerism.

In short, if you are intelligent enough to realise that the world is wrong because it is convenient for a certain sector, then listening more about reality will be like talking to a friend about related issues, and will be a reason to talk about other issues that contribute to both, while exploring ancient mysteries in epic places (in ruins) but once looked better than science fiction, feeling the wonderful arms of nature that invites you to live to be part of more than we can imagine. 

Condor moment

Have you ever been corrected by a child? Some say that children are geniuses but they become normal when they go to school. There are very intelligent and prepared young people who realise everything and go through the stress of being misunderstood, that was the real origin of hippism: children of millionaires, who spent their whole life studying, at the same time analysed the origin of their wealth and refused to continue the family legacy.

But were the perfect dish for the organisations behind their parents’ to discredit hippism and disrupt society to continue the manipulation through hippism. Inti Travel Org is aware that there is nothing like the Inka method with drastic, coherent solutions and if we bring a change in the world it is very possible that with all the AI technology they will discredit the whole point of our organisation, so it is better that you come and relearn about life first hand.

If plastic is oil then the solution is 0 plastic, if the mobile phone spoils the brain then 0 mobile phone and to make it work you need a functional and coherent replacement, everything that humanity has produced is not negative, what is negative is its excessive use, short life production to keep buying and everything is solved with quality products and eco friendly production, even if today it is said that there is no way to do mining without pollutants does not mean you can find a solution, but until that happens let’s start us.

Humanity lake

You can also analyze everything we share in this blog, Inti Travel Org is therapeutic tourism which means travel and an aeroplane pollutes the environment exaggeratedly and I am sure that is the main reason why the UN in recent years is promoting tourism and is emphasizing wellness tourism, not to mention that the construction of hotels retreat centres and other demand more production and waste than any other industry a society that has no tourism.

The Inka method of Inti Travel Org will teach you that it is not necessary to travel and if you are in mode: travel, how nice, discover, explore and many reasons that simply promote the hormonal discharges of your brain, then take advantage of it and make the most of your trip. While you travel dare to take a journey with us to show you that it is not necessary to travel to maintain happiness or life, we will teach you to recover all the knowledge that history could not erase from your DNA, dare to increase the value of your journey to Machupicchu.

If you have at least 1% acceptance of what we share in this post, come with us, what have you got to lose, after all something different will always be rewarded by the brain but if you have more than 80% approval we recommend our participatory tourism option.

The change of your life is as clear as YES or NO, but during your therapeutic journey we will only share with you: how it was, how it is and how it should be through history, science and simplicity, without being anything drastic especially concerning sleep (we include 4 star hotels) which is as important as breathing. For now, let’s dream of a better world, of a world where new generations climb mountains to connect with themselves, open vortexes without the need of technologies, because as a human being you have it all.

Machupicchu sector

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Therapeutic tourism to relearn about life and rediscover what history could not erase from your DNA.
The Inka method (History, Science and Simplicity) and nature will take you out of your comfort zone to awaken your essence.


H 10 Antisuyo av. Los Incas
Cusco, 08001



IntiTravel.Org – Sponsoring life