Why should I do therapy with Inti Travel Org?

Waka pukara

First of all, if you have asked yourself this question let me tell you: there is not enough reason do a therapy with us, but we are sure that you are intelligent enough to find the solution, maybe with a little more time, and more experience to improve your genes and leave better opportunities and life to your offspring, in the worst case maybe you will agree with the speech of Steve Jobs when he was resigned to death. Remember that as a human being you have everything, you are like God and the only thing that makes you different is what goes through your brain.

It is humanity's natural and simple way of awakening consciousness or rediscovering the human power that only ancient stories speak of. Without ceremonies, rituals or meditation that is only for people who want a spiritual life, this method is to find spiritual life on a daily basis.

Secondly, there is a saying: for difficult situations extreme solutions. If plastic pollutes the solution is 0 plastic, 0 oil, 0 mining and + autonomy, + simplicity to rediscover your humanity, our goals are nothing new and even if there are people who agree and practice it, why in the world there is no substantial change, or why would it work for us? Because the world was forced to forget the difference between understanding and comprehension (understanding = to know, comprehension = knowledge and awareness; you know that coke is bad for your health and yet there are people who drink it).

A little bit of hidden history

In one experiment they put 5 monkeys in a cage and put a ladder in the middle to reach a bunch of bananas that was hanging, the monkeys went to eat it and immediately the monkeys were bathed with cold water, after several repetitions of bathing with cold water the monkeys realised that the problem was the bananas so they didn’t take any bananas and avoided the forced bath.

Now they replaced the 5 monkeys with other monkeys one by one and every time a new monkey came in he would run straight to the bananas but before he got to the bananas the main monkeys of the experiment would catch him and beat him up so he would understand that he should not eat bananas (maybe they even told him the consequence of eating bananas), they even put 5 monkeys that never got water baths but as they kept being replaced one by one with other new monkeys the status quo continued, maybe when a new monkey would ask why do you hit me?

The answer would be I don’t know, it has always been like that, or perhaps they receive detailed information about the situation. In another experiment they put fleas in a jar and put a lid on the jar so that the fleas would not jump out of the jar, after a moment they opened the jar and no fleas jumped out of the jar and worse still no fleas tried.

Llama surprise

There is also another experiment where they created a utopian place for rats (abundant food and social spaces) a number of rats entered the rat paradise, causing exactly what is happening with human society today, in the case of the rats the consequence of their actions was traced back to biblical levels like Sodom and Gomorrah with the difference that it was not an external agent but rather the consequence of their own actions that caused their extermination.

Therapy for life

Therapeutic tourism with IntiTravel.Org is about Re-learning through a method we call Inka method based on history, science and simplicity. Science to prove how life works and give all the reason to the way of life of ancient cultures and their wisdom that quantum physics is just imagining and exploring, to complete the therapeutic theme the touch of simplicity will make you feel the effectiveness of our proposal from every hormone that discharges your brain, because in simplicity or rather in our naturalness we are more than at home.

Condor moment

It feels better when we are at home, minimalism has already shown enough evidence of the benefits of simple living but we do not fully agree with them because with their campaign they are teaching us to adapt to the lifestyle of social engineering that has been in place for a long time, just like the many worldwide organisations that defend life but without harming the economic income of their sponsors who also donate money to NGOs that supposedly help but are only there to distract society, solving the surface of the world’s situation and extending the reach of destructive modernity.

Aim of therapy

Thirdly and in fact it should be the first reason for you to dare to do your therapy with IntiTravel.Org the goal, the cause of being, of waking up every morning is to save life on this planet that we call home and it is through you that we want to achieve our goal, not an easy goal, a goal that will take a long time but with participants committed to broaden the horizons of knowledge.

With responsibility you would have much to gain, we would also meet for the same ideals, at the same time human relations is the basis of happiness and I would love to expand my intellectual capacity if you have the knowledge to sustain that the solution of the world should be with a smile and not as a sacrifice of acts. It is a fact that this goal puts my life as well as my integrity at risk, because maybe I am offered an amount of money that I never imagined or I am only conditioned with my loved ones, so take advantage before this proposal is limited, because this idea must be expanded.

If you explore more about us you will know that we do not promise that we will change your life or solve your life with our method, our method will show you the solution to all your problems and that of the world, in the end the decision to put it into practice is up to you.

And last but not least, if you repeatedly ask yourself the question: “Do it or not? Or will it work or not? it is better not to come because the social engineering is so deep inside you that you want a sure thing, when humanity or the magic of life is the uncertainty of what tomorrow can be, only modernity adapted us to control everything to instantly satisfy the needs and strengthen a system of almost free drug addiction and unlimited production (dopamine) because even negative experiences are the best training ground for inner peace that can prevent wars. So dare to a Machupicchu journey with therapy purpose.

Best memories at the Inka trail

This era of control, of confot prevents true experiences as a human being to the point of being so controlling that in this tourist industry there are so many unnecessary luxuries (pollution) just to guarantee happy customers. We guarantee that the truth hurts and if a drop of cortisol comes out through tears we hope you will understand in samurai style that the best sword is forged with blows or the devil leave his own alone.

Inti travel Org sponsoring life.

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Therapeutic tourism to relearn about life and rediscover what history could not erase from your DNA.
The Inka method (History, Science and Simplicity) and nature will take you out of your comfort zone to awaken your essence.


H 10 Antisuyo av. Los Incas
Cusco, 08001



IntiTravel.Org – Sponsoring life